domingo, 17 de junho de 2007

O que saia da boca de Andy Warhol

"Art is what you can get away with."

Being born is like being kidnapped and then sold into slavery."

Buying is much more American than thinking and I'm as American as they come."

Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight."

Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone's got to take care of all your details."

I love Los Angeles. I love Hollywood. They're beautiful. Everybody's plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic."

"If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, there I am. There's nothing behind it."

"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes"

Sex is the biggest nothing of all time."

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